Youth Action Board Task Group

Table of Contents

Check out our Task Groups and access current and archived minutes. Want to join a Task group or attend the next meeting to learn more? Find more information here.

PurposeBuilding AwarenessMeeting Minutes/Notes Meeting Minutes/Notes ArchiveJoining the Task Group

Exciting News!

In collaboration with Homeward (Polk County CoC), the IA BoS CoC has been awarded over $1M of Youth Homelessness System Improvement (YHSI) funding.  Click here to learn more about this work.

More Exciting News!

The Iowa Balance of State Continuum of Care has been awarded $6.7M of Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) funding. Click here to learn more about this work.

Click here to complete this survey to be added to our youth-focused mailing list.

Youth Provider Survey: The IA BoS CoC recently received the Youth Homelessness System Improvement Grant (YHSI). Through this grant, we will be working with various experts to bring trainings to service providers like yourself. We are interested in seeing what agencies are in need of, in terms of trainings.  We appreciate your cooperation and participation. 


Youth Action Board Task Group

Current Co-Chairs - April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024- Olivia Bronzeill + 1 vacant seat

Support Staff- Jason Smith

Mission: End youth homelessness by involving youth voices and input.

Purpose Statement: The Youth Action Board empowers youth voices to implement and lead initiatives focused on preventing and ending youth homelessness.

The BoS Youth Action Board is focused on its mission of ending youth homelessness involving youth voices and input. This is done at both the local community level and the CoC level. The YAB will implement youth voices into decision-making by engaging with and empowering youth across the BoS.

Work Group

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) Work Group

A collective group of community partners providing assistance and outreach on the application process for YHDP.

Youth Input

Youth Action Survey

The YAB is collaborating with the YHDP Work Group to gather peer voices and experiences through this survey. Youth input is vital to creating partnerships and community plans to prevent and end youth homelessness in the IA BoS CoC.

**All youth and young adults ages 14-24 are invited to complete the survey. Please know this information is confidential and no personal identifying information is requested.

Building Awareness:

The Youth Action Board is committed to raising awareness about homelessness among youth and young adults. We believe that everyone deserves a safe and stable home, and we're dedicated to working with communities across Iowa to provide support, resources, and shelter to those in need. See the information below showing risks, causes, and signs of housing crisis for youth and young adults.

“We need to be heard; not all have had the same experience.”

“Homeless does not mean helpless.”

-Quotes provided by youth and young adults

Flyer with risks and causes of homelessness for youth and young adults
Flyer showing signs of housing crisis in youth and young adults.

“We are more capable than you think; homelessness does not equal illiterate.”

“We need a hand up, not a hand out.”

-Quotes provided by youth and young adults

“I want to live in a world where we view access to housing, basic needs, privacy, and dignity as human rights (rather than as privileges).” – Stasha

Meeting Minutes/Notes

Youth Action Board Task Group

Hybrid meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 5 PM. To view meeting locations and to add upcoming meetings to your calendar, visit the Events Page. To see meeting minutes/notes use the link below in the drop-down folders.

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) Work Group

Youth Homeless Demonstration Program (YHDP) Work Group

  • A collective group of community partners providing assistance and outreach on the application process for YHDP.

Archived Minutes & Resources- view previous minutes/notes and meeting information.

Join the Youth Action Board

The Youth Action Board is a diverse group of young people between the ages of 14-24 years old, who have experienced or are currently experiencing homelessness or have a passion to fight youth homelessness; this includes but is not limited to LGBTQ youth, pregnant or parenting youth, youth involved in the juvenile justice system, victims of sex trafficking and exploitation, and those who have been in foster care. The ultimate goal is to prevent and end youth homelessness.

The IA BoS CoC is looking to recruit new members. As a YAB member, you will be working with a diverse group of peers to advise local organizations, shape community programs, and collaborate to prevent and end youth homelessness.

The YAB meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 5-6 pm. For more information, we encourage you to fill out an interest form or attend a couple of meetings to learn about the YAB.

View YAB meeting details here: Events | IA BoS CoC – Uplifting Those Experiencing Homelessness

  • Anyone between 14-24 years old.

  • Experience navigating homelessness or lived experience.

  • Passionate about preventing and ending youth homelessness.

  • Have a connection to the Iowa Balance of State Continuum of Care (live within the IA BoS CoC 96-County Area).

  • Willing to learn and take on additional responsibilities such as facilitating meetings and/or participating in community coalitions

  • Commitment to equity and creating a safe environment for all involved.

The YAB is committed to ensuring diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences are represented. We would like to expand the representation and diversity of the YAB and strongly encourage people of color, people of diverse gender identities, young parents, people with different abilities, youth with lived experience of homelessness, and all who are interested to fill out the interest form or connect with CoC staff.

Click Here to access the interest form.

Questions? Reach out to Jason Smith, Youth Leadership Project Manager.

Check out the YAB minutes to see what the group has been working on!