Continuum of Care Grant Competition Task Group
Table of Contents
Check out our Continuum of Care Grant Competition Task Groups and access current and archived minutes. Want to join a Task group or attend the next meeting to learn more? Find more information here.
Purpose • Meeting Minutes • Meeting Minutes Archive • Join the Task Group
Continuum of Care Grant Competition Task Group
Current Co-Chairs April 1, 2024-March 31, 2025- Will Bird & Open Seat
Support Staff- Jess Bleile
Purpose Statement: The Continuum of Care Grant Competition Task Group leads an annual local competition for HUD CoC funding and develops the project monitoring process, including technical assistance, all focused on strengthening the homeless service system to prevent and end homelessness.
The Continuum of Care group is responsible for overseeing and continuously developing the project monitoring process and the development of the annual HUD CoC Program local application and scorecards. They will also develop the project application evaluation process that is used to evaluate, score, and rank CoC projects (renewal and new as directed by the Board of Directors). The group also facilitates funding recommendations for projects included in the annual CoC consolidated application.
“People who are homeless are not social inadequates. They are people without homes.” – Sheila McKechnie
Meeting Minutes
Continuum of Care Competition Task Group
Meetings are held virtually every second Tuesday of the month at 2 PM. To add upcoming Task Group meetings to your calendar, visit the Events Page. To see meeting minutes use the link below in the drop down folders.
March 11, 2025
January 14. 2025
Archived Minutes & Resources- view previous minutes and meeting information.
Join the Task Group
Please note the success of the Iowa Balance of State Continuum of Care (IA BoS CoC) Task Groups depends on strong leadership by a group of invested individuals making up the Voting Members. These voting members represent the CoC. The CoC year runs from April 1-March 30. Every three years, or as a new member joins, all Task Group members for the IA BoS CoC must complete the Voter Agreement Form. This form indicates a commitment to-
Attendance at Monthly Task Group Meetings.
Participation in Task Group work, including responsibilities set in an annual work plan for the group.
Serving as a representative of the Task Group.
Serving as a voting member.
If you are interested in joining the Continuum of Care Grant Competition Task Group please read and complete the Voter Agreement Form. If you have additional questions, please connect with Jessica Bleile.