*Please know that we are currently working on updating this page, if you have any questions, please contact CoC staff.

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program

Developing and implementing a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness.


Youth Homeless Demonstration Program (YHDP) focuses on developing and implementing a coordinated community approach for the CoC to prevent and end youth homelessness.

The Iowa Balance of State Continuum of Care was awarded $6.7M in Round 8 YHDP funding. With that funding:

  • Institute for Community Alliances (ICA) will be utilizing planning funds through YHDP to create and implement a Coordinated Community Plan (CCP).

  • Projects to support preventing and ending youth homelessness will utilize eligible funds through a local competition process.

To read the submitted YHDP Application, please click here.

For additional information on YHDP, please click here to visit the HUD YHPD webpage.

Click here to complete this survey to be added to our youth-focused mailing list.

Youth Provider Survey: The IA BoS CoC recently received the Youth Homelessness System Improvement Grant (YHSI). Through this grant, we will be working with various experts to bring trainings to service providers like yourself. We are interested in seeing what agencies are in need of, in terms of trainings.  We appreciate your cooperation and participation. 

Coordinated Community Plan (CCP)

As part of the YHDP process, a Coordinated Community Plan (CCP) will be created to focus the work. The CCP will lay the groundwork for YHDP implementation and provide a framework for the various projects for which the Project Applicants will apply. The purpose of these projects is to demonstrate how a coordinated community approach to serving homeless youth, age 24 and younger, can dramatically reduce homelessness.

To learn more about how to become involved with the CCP, please see the contact information section.

Local Process to Apply for YHDP Funding

The Coordinated Community Plan (CCP) will assist in informing the local competition process for YHDP funding. As work continues, please check back for updated information.

“Not everyone is homeless because they choose to be. They’re homeless because there isn’t enough help to go around.”

-Colleen Hoover


For questions regarding the Coordinated Community Plan (CCP), please contact Sydney Uhlman, YHDP Specialist.

For questions regarding community partnerships and connections for youth please contact Mariah Breeze, Youth Initiatives Project Manager.

For questions regarding potential projects for YHDP funding, please contact Nicole Diaz, YHDP Housing Specialist.